Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Busy Week

This week we were very busy!  As a class we discussed our "Rights" and "Responsibilities" in our classroom community.  From this discussion we wrote our classroom constitution and after promising to follow the constitution, we each signed our name to complete the promise. Ask your child about our classroom rules.

We have also been very busy "citizen's."  We learned more about citizenship through a very fun game of charades and then transferred our learning later in the week by helping the first graders accomplish a very challenging math packet.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is a "Function Machine"......?

The "Function Machine" is coming together!  But, what is it?  And, what does it do?

Surf's Up

Question: What happens when water is mixed with oil?


A. The oil and water will mix and change color.
B. The oil and water will become cloudy.
C. The oil and water will separate.
D. The oil and water will form a solid.

Conclusion: The water and oil separate!  Why?  Oil is lighter (LESS DENSE) thans water and will not mix with it.  The water and oil will separate and when gently rocked back and forth will look like a "wave" in the jar!