First Day Breakfast! |
The first day of school was full of excitement, stories, new clothes, and fun! We got to know our classmates by playing the "Silly Name Game," we took a tour of the school to see all the new rooms/areas, and we enjoyed a snack from the School Garden!
| We also got to do our first science experiment: "All Washed Up..." We were trying to answer the question - What will happen to a newspaper man put in soapy water, compared to plain water? | | | |
While most of us predicted the newspaper man in soapy water would
sink slower, when we conducted the experiment our results showed that a newspaper man put in soapy water compared to plain water actually
sinks faster!
We learned about water molecules. The detergent (soap) reduced the surface tension (made the molecules in the water spread apart) allowing the newspaper man to sink quickly! Very Cool!