Thursday, March 19, 2015

Writer's Notebook

We are putting some of our new skills to the test!  We have learned how to write a strong non-fiction or informational piece of writing.  In fact, we wrote books about Football, How to Annoy Someone, and Finger Knitting; all things we think we are experts on.  Now we are using those skills combined with our newly learned reading and research skills (note-taking too!) to write non-fiction texts about electricity (science!).

We organize our research into SUBTOPICS.

We have learned to use the TABLE OF CONTENTS  and the INDEX to find specific information.

The class has started reading information carefully to take notes in order to develop their research topic.
Topics include: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Alva Edison, Michael Faraday and electromagnetism, Atoms and Electrons, Generators, and Alassandro Volta (the battery guy!) and his study of electrical current. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Discovering Electromagnetism

Today we used our knowledge of electric circuits and magnetism to create an electromagnet.

Ask your child about these vocabulary terms: insulator, conductor, receiver, source, attract, and repel.  Then quiz them, what is an electromagnet?

We enjoyed some awesome scientific discoveries today and we can't wait for tomorrow!